Friday, March 30, 2007

my new treadmill

So a little while ago i decided that i wanted to invest in a treadmill, i had been talking about it for a while but hadn't actually gone out and done anything about it. so last week i decided that i was going to buy one, but to do that i was going to have to get another credit card(BAD!). so i was talking to my mom about it, and how i would have to get a new card. and she didn't like that(she doesn't want me to be in more dept). so she said that she would buy one for me and i would pay her back, which i think was awesome by the way mom! and i love my new treadmill. since i got it on saturday(24th)(and set it up on sunday(25th)) i have but 7k on it already. (Kyle has but on 4k's), he really likes it too. its in our basement, so we can watch t.v when we are on it. and i think htat really helps. because i'll say to my self, 'i'm going to walk/jog on here till my show is done, talking while it was on and joging durring comertials. and its awesome. i'm so excited to start loosing weight and getting into shape. we need to buy a scale, my mom said that some times a scale aren't a good thing, and that you should go by how your cloths fit. and thats a good point, but i do want to see the pounds leave too. and so would my doctor. haha. but anyways. we are thinking about getting gym memberships too, Kyles friend works at the Y downtown and can get us a deal on memberships. so we might go see about that on the weekend, but i'm not sure about it. i would rather stay home and do it, but then again all i have at home is a treadmill, and the Y has a pool and different weight machines. so we'll see how good a deal he can get for us befor we commit to anything. so anyways. bye for now.


Hello all. I think i'm going to like having this blog thing. i had one on my nexopia site, and it was a good form of ranting about life and letting out how i feel about some things. so this'll be good.
i got the idea to do this from my cuz. Kim. she has one and every once and a while i read it to see what she's up too. i could always walk down the street and ask her(she lives like not even a block from me), but i'm lazy. haha, and she sick right now, and i dont want to be.
a bunch of people at my work are sick, and i dont want to catch anything, so i have been avoiding those people. but anyways. i dont really know what else to say right now. so bye for now.

<3: Amanda