Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Long time.......

It has been a very long time since i wrote anything last. lots has happened......

I got a new position with the company that i work for, i now have more work to do, which i really do like, it keeps me busy, and i like that. i hate sitting around and not having anything to do. i go crazy. anyways. and with this new job comes a new pay, which i havn't gotten yet but i'm told will happen soon. i am getting a little peeved off because it is taking so long for it to happen though. but all in good time right? we shall see. the girl that was the receptionist here has also moved positions, so they hired a new girl, Charity is her name and she is my cousin's wife, so my cousin too. she will start next monday(on my birthday). and i am very excited because she will be able to help me out with things, and i will be able to focus more on what i need to do and not what need to happen at reception. and with me reffering her i get $200 after she's been here for 3 months. so thats pretty sweet too. anyways.

We got some "new" carpet to put in our 2 bedrooms that are up stairs(our room and the computer room) from my mom, it was in her basement but they put the stuff that use to be up stairs in there and we got the other stuff. i'm excited to put it in. i think i am going to try and convince kyle that we should do it this weekend. i am just so sick of that nasty brown carpet thats in there now, its so gross. and i'm thinking that if we do that i could re-paint in there too. i want to get a really nice brown(not like the carpet) for the walls. and then in the other room we have the 1/3 paneling in there and paint that to match kindof. because in that room when it becomes the babys room we will just paint the white part of the wall like a baby pink or baby blue, depending on the sex of the baby. so yeah, thats my plan for the weekend.
after the doctors on friday of corse...... i have a new doctor, a female doctor. she's also kyles doctor, so thats nice. but i have a appointment on friday at 3:00. because i have some concerns. i think i have a thiroide(?) issue. i was told that if you have that kind of issue that can cause you to only get your period like once every 3-6 months, and thats what has been happening. and having that issue can also cause a person(me) to not be able to have a baby, untill it gets fixed. so i am going to ask her about that and what she thinks, and most likely get some blood work done, which is fine, i just want to know whats going on, so we know how to fix it. because i have been off "the pill" for over a year now and nothing. so i dont know whats going on. but i hope i will know soon, i just really want to have a baby.

we went to Utah 2 weeks ago. my grandpa passed away so we went down for the funeral. it was nice to be able to see all of the family, but not for the reasons that we were there. i cried alot, which i always do, i'm kindof a cry baby. Kyle wasn't able to go. because we aren't married his work wouldn't let him have the time off. it made me really mad because i really wanted him there, but oh well. everything worked out just fine. the ride down was of corse boaring, i slept almost the whole time. it was nice because i had the back seat to my self. on the way home my aunt Glenna drove back with us, so i had to sleep sitting up, i had no issues doing that, just after a while my neck would start to hurt, but i still slept most of the way home too. but everything was good, i got to see my family and spend time with all of them. and had a good time, aside from the real reason that we were there. it was nice. anyways.

i dont really know what else to say, so i better be getting back to work. bye byee for now.