Monday, November 10, 2008

November all ready...

I cant believe that its November already. in under a week it will be Kyle's 24th Birthday! YAY. then soon Christmas will come, the new year, then my 22 Birthday. This year has gone by a lot faster then i thought it would, so much has happened.

We have decided that we aren't going to sell our house just yet, the market has really dropped, so we'll wait till it starts to pick up. we have a "friend of a friend" that is a realtor and she said that the market should pick back up in 1-2years, we are okay with waiting, the house still needs a lot of work done to it.

Its starting to get cold out there again, we had our first snow fall last week. but it warmed up so most of it is gone. but in the mornings i still have to scrap my windows, which i dont mind, its better then taking the bus.

we still havn't heard back from the fertility clinic about our appointment. and havn't heard anything about Kyle's test results either. he did it more then 2 weeks ago and the doctor hasn't called or anything to let us know about it. its very frustrating because we want to find out if its just me with the problems, or both. we are still trying all the time ;) so who knows what will happen. i will call the doctor again today and leave another msg. and maybe she will get back to me. i just want to know if we are getting our referal or not and then to know when the appointment is would be fantastic. i have the number to the clinic so i figured that i could just call and see if i can make a appointment my self. but i dont know if they let you do that. but anyways. i will call and we will see whats going on with it.
For more about my condition(mainly the family members that ask me about it) you can check it out at this website(or just google PCOS)

but i better be getting back to work. i'm sure i'll have more to talk about in the next little bit. TTYL.
