Thursday, April 16, 2009 baby yet. baby yet. I got a call from the fertility clinic and they said that the results of my blood work showed no ovulation. Oh well. But apparently i'm not ammune to Rubella!?!?! So now i have to go get a vaccine for MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella). And because its a live vaccine we have to not get pregnant for 30 days after the shot. and once i get the shot and its been 30 days i will call the clinic and they will give me a new perscription for the clomid(higher dose) and then we get to start the process all over again. So maybe we will be pregnant in 2 months. who knows...
and really sucky news...Kyle got laid off. about 2 1/2 weeks ago. we have e-mail/faxed/dropped off countless resumes and nothing! he got one call for somewhere that was only going to pay $8/hour. and that was just a joke, who can live off $8/hour??? maybe someone that doesn't have a mortage to pay. but whatever, eventually something will come up. we can afford all our bills and mortage on just my salary. and i'm getting a bonus through work so that'll help too.
but anyways. i dont have anything else to report on. bye byee for now.