Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So long...

It’s been close to a year since I posted anything. Wow, so much to
catch up on. Brayden is now 14 months old and he is so awesome. I
couldn't ask for a better baby. Except when it comes to his sleeping
habits. He doesn't know how to put his self to sleep. So this results
in us having to rock him to sleep or pat his back till he falls asleep,
and hope that he doesn't wake up as we are putting him in his crib.
He also likes to wake up in the middle of the night still. Not to eat,
but he just wakes up and starts crying and then we have to put him back
to sleep. Then I lose sleep, and Kyle looses sleep too. Usually I get
up first and if I can’t get him back to sleep Kyle steps in and tries
his luck, and then if he can’t do it I try again. Kyle gets up super
early so I try to not have him have to stay up a lot. But eventually
Brayden goes back to sleep. and then if he decides that he wants to
wake up at 6am I bring him into bed with me and we go back to sleep
for a hour or 2 (if I'm lucky).

We are really hoping that he gets his sleeping act together by the time
the new baby comes. Oh yeah, we are pregnant again! A bit of a surprise
but we are super happy! I really hope it’s a girl. I’d love one of each,
plus one more, lol. But I’ll be happy with whatever we get. Due October
30th, I decided that I’ll be a pumpkin for Halloween.

The sleeping arrangements are going to be a pain in the butt though.
In our house we have 2 bedrooms upstairs and 2 down. So the kids will
either have to share a room upstairs or we have to banish Brayden to
the basement when he’s 2. And that doesn’t seem very fair. We will have
the new baby in our room in a bassinette for the first little bit and
then if need be we can have the crib in our room too until Brayden wants
to sleep in the basement. The other thing is going to be converting him
to his big boy racecar bed. I have a cousin (Kim) who’s kids are the
same age distance apart as our kids will be so I’ve been asking her for
advice. And she started the transition into the big girl bed about 3
months before the other baby was due to arrive and she said that Brianne
(her daughter) took to it right away. So if we did that Brayden would be
about 18 months. I figured we could have both the crib and the racecar
in his room and kinda let him decide, I’m not sure if that the right way
to do it but we shall see how it goes. We still have time to figure it
out. And I hope by then he sleeps “normal”.

Hummmm, what else. Well Heather and Beau are FINALLY getting married.
He asked her on Christmas morning. Very exciting stuff. She has her dress
ordered and just waiting for it to come in. and we have ordered our
bridesmaids dresses too. Myself and one other bridesmaids are both
expecting, we ordered the same dress, which is fine. I think we will end
up getting different lengths, so they will have a slight difference. I’m
very excited, I’m starting to plan her staggette, but not setting anything
in stone yet because there is still lots of time. Lindsay (one of the other
bridesmaids) will be planning and hosting the Bridal Shower, so all that
stuff is in her very capable hands, I think I just have to help out with
the guest list.

I’ve been working at a printing company for just about 7 months now. Its
so awesome. My boss is so nice! After working here for just 2 months he
gave me a extra $1 per hour, and then at my 6 month mark they gave me a
extra $2 per hour, and then 2 weeks later I told them I was pregnant. He
was super happy for us. He just said to give him as much notice as I could
before I have doctor’s appointments and to not over work myself.

I cant think of anything else to talk about. So that’s it for now.