Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A new month...

...with a list of things to do.

I haven't typed anything is a while and I have quite a bit of stuff to talk about....

This past Saturday (Aug 30th) I took my road test to get my drivers license! I did really good (or so the guy said) except for the fact that I didn't slow down and yield at an uncontrolled intersection, so I failed. I wasn't very happy. But I will go again this Saturday and try another time. I’ll go to the same place so I kind of know the route that they take (the guy said it was a planed out route that they always use, so I will know what I’m doing). And hopefully I will pass because I really want to get my license and then we can get a car, because its starting to get cold and we don’t want to have to be taking the bus in the winter anymore. So that will be the first little bit of Saturday.

Later on in that day (noon-ish) we will be expecting a guy to come in from a furnace cleaning company to, you guessed it, clean our furnace (and ducts too). Its $139.00 for the furnace, 12 vents, and the dryer duct too. My mom said that is a good price. Its starting to get cold and we want to be able to turn it on with-out smelling that nasty smell that comes from the ducts from the last people that owned the house, as well as the gross smoking smell. And it will be nice to turn them on and not have dust everywhere, we're going to have the furnace inspected too. but that will be next week. so I guess I’m pretty excited about that.

a few weeks ago I canned some peaches with my cousin Kim and her mom, my aunt Nancy, and now this weekend(we hope if they are ripe enough) we are going to can some pears, which reminds me I need to go get some more big jars, I better write that down, done. anyways... I’m really looking forward to that because maybe then we won’t run out of the peaches so fast. I tend to take a jar(just a .5L) to work everyday and have that for breakfast. we only have like 4 little(.5L) jar left and like 9 of the big jars(1L) left. I was thinking that I could go out and buy some more peaches just from a store or a roadside stand, but I don’t know. they are going to run out fast and once they're gone that'll be it for the year. so I think I’ll do that. my mom said that she would bring her canning stuff down when they come down on the 12th. so I think I will plan that for then...

I cleaned the upstairs part of my house really good this weekend too. by our fireplace we have a little kind-of shelf thing that I have pictures and stuff like that on, and under it we just store junk in it, and I cleaned that out, and all around the fireplace. I cleaned off all the coffee tables and the movie cabinet, in the kitchen I have a chine hutch type thing and I cleaned out the bottom of that, and re-organized it, as well as all the kitchen and kitchen table. I got 4 bags of garbage out of there. I would have done more but it was like 1am and Kyle wanted to go to bed. I think I will try and do the computer room tonight, either before or after big brother is on. it really needs it, we still have boxes from wedding gifts in there. we really need to get to the dump but I don’t think that will happen any time soon, maybe I should call up some garbage-hauling people and see what they charge. there sure is a lot. I’ll just have to wait and see, geeze, so much to do with so little time. and while I am writing this blog I have a little post-it next to my key board where I’m writing down a list of things I want to get done before the snow hits. including the other stuff I wanted to do this weekend(the back splash in the kitchen). oh my goodness. I kind of hope that they pears aren't ripe so I can try and get some of this done. lol. I have to call my dad and see when he would be able to help put in the back splash and the front entry tile.

and on top of all that we have decided that we want to move next year, and buy a actual house, not just a du-plex like the one that we are in now, unless its one of those really nice re-done ones with the extra sound buffers in the walls so we cant hear what the people next door are doing. we decided that if everything is done by December 31st we are going to put it on the market, first for a few months on welist. and if that doesn't work we will just get a realtor. but it all depends on if everything gets done. which I’m hoping it does.

but I don’t have much else to day. at least not that I can think of right now. so I better get back to work. maybe I’ll type out my list of things to do, now that I have a list that is written on 3 different post-its. so anyways. TTYL


1 comment:

~Pam said...

I saw your name on my blog visits, I am adding you to my list...!this is fun to keep up with everyone!