Friday, April 13, 2007


so its friday, the 13th. oooOOOOoOoOoOoooo... haha, not really. and i'm at work. and i dont have anything to do.
but i have decided that we are going to go to canadian tire after we're done work so i can get some stuff to work on the yard. i need to get some grass seeds. because there are some bare patches that i want to be filled in, or maybe some 'turf builder' some one at my work told me that it works pretty good. and i want to get a really good rake(?) to get up all the dead grass. because the green stuff is starting to come through. i do really like doing yard work, i think i have since i was a kid. i would always want to mow the grass and all that stuff. and now that i have my own yard to take care of its even better. and one of those garden claws, i think thats what their called, to get up all the weeds that are growing in the "garden". i'm excited.
we need to find someone that will let me dig up some of their rasberries so i can have some in my garden, and people tell me that they are alot of work, and i know that. i use to take care of the ones at my moms old house, picking everyother day, pulling out the dead ones, triming them every season.
all this yard work talk is making me want to go and go some. haha. but what really sucks is that we have big pine trees all by our house, and grass cant/wont grow by them. so i think i'm going to make a big planters box to go by the one front fence so i have have flowers and what not there, instead of little bits of grass and dirt. because thats just no fun.
oh my gosh i'm so excited for yard work now. that sounds really funny, but when you live somewhere for like 8 years when you cant do anything you want to go it really bad.
but anyways. i will give a update on how everything goes at the start of next week. maybe pictures too. before and after ones. yeah, thats a good idea. anyways. bye byee for now.

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