Friday, October 12, 2007


So. it has been a while since i have posted anything. so i figured that it was about time that i got around to it. i just got back from a extra long weekend, my mom, her husband, brooks, my sister and i all went to Utah to visit family. mainly to see my grandpa and grandma. but it was awesome to see everyone else too. I got a facial done by my aunt diane. it hurt so much, i dont ever recomend it to anyone that doesn't have a high pain tollerance. i cried and screamed and swore a few times, i dont think anyone heard me because i did it inbetween sobbs. haha, she said it was okay that i said bad words just not the f word. and i'm okay with that. because i dont like that word. but anyways. she "extracted" my face, which means she popped every pimple she could fine, and thats what made me first start crying(i had alot). then she put salacilic acid on my face, pure acid. like you know how you will go out and buy that face wash and it will say something like 2% or 5% salacilic acid, well this stuff was pure, and it hurt so bad, and made my skin go all red and white. anyways, it hurt alot, but now that it had peeled and is all healed it looks awesome! haha. i still have some dis-coloration but that will fade with time. and i also have some new facewash and lotion and a special mask that should help too. i'm really excited! AND i lost a little bit more weight which is also awesome.
but anyways. we got some bad news when we were down there, my grandpa isn't doing so good. they dont know how much longer he has. and it was really hard to say our good bye's. but anyways. i better be getting back to you. bye byee for now.

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