Monday, August 20, 2007

Aug 20th 2007

So it has been an eventful week I guess you could say. At the beginning I wasn’t feeling to good. T.O.M came to visit. For those of you who don’t know what it means TOM is Aunt Flow’s son. Hahahahahaha! I’m so funny. Anyways. So Thursday was crap. I had bad cramps and all. And then Friday was much better. I had just gotten paid and my day was pretty good… until I got a e-mail from my mom telling me that my Great Grandma had passed away. At first I thought I was going to be okay. But them I started crying. And I couldn’t really do my job so I got Kendall to sit at my desk and watch the phones. I then called Kyle and sobbed and cried a bit. Then went into work. I saw Jesse our interoffice mail guy and told him what happened (I hadn’t told Kendall yet) and then went and sat in a empty office for another few min’s to get my self together. And went to my desk. Kendall said that Jesse told her what happened and that she told Corey (my boss) and Corey said for me to go home. I wasn’t expecting my sister to come and get me till 4:00(it was 3:15 at the time) and that I would be okay till then. And its one of those things that is okay till you start talking about it. Like this guy from logistics Patric came and gave me a hug, which was really nice. But then made me cry because I started to talk about it. So I called my sister and asked when she was going to get here and she said that she could be there in 10 min’s. so she came and I left. I think I took it really bad because of TOM and Aunt flow. Those jerks. But now I am okay. Going to the gym for 5 hours then going home and eating almost a whole pizza really made me feel better. So did getting so drunk that I couldn’t stand. Haha.
But then Sunday came along and I felt somewhat better. And we went out side to take the dog out and we saw the people that live next to us who told us that the people that own the unit on the other side of us were painting. And we thought great our house is going to look like poop. But the color that they picked is really nice. Its called volcanic ash or something like that. It’s a really dark gray and we really like it. So we are going to paint our side this weekend. there is no way that we would leave ours un-painted. First off I hate the color of our house. Its this nasty blue stuff that is just gross. And I think that when you have a duplex that the whole thing should be the same color because it looks stupid some times if its not. Like maybe if they are on 2 different levels. Like if one is out more or if there is more definition between the 2. I don’t know, I just don’t think it will look good. But anyways. I’m excited to paint the out side of the house. I’m told that it will increase the value of the house. And that’s a good thing when you are wanting to sell in the next 4 or less years. But who know. We will just have to wait to see what the future brings I guess. But hey, if anyone wants to help paint my house your more then welcome. Just give me a call or e-mail. Haha. Bye byee for now.

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