Friday, April 18, 2008

Hello all............ its been a while.

Hello. its been a while since my last post. i like to go on here and read my cousin's, Kim and Andrew's blog to see what they are up to, how things are going with them having a baby and all the stuff that they are doing around the house. every once and a while i will check my blog while i am on theres and i noticed that Kim suggested that i make a post about the wedding and how those things are going, so here it is.......
50 days till the wedding. so just under 2 months. i have my dress(the most important thing, lol) the location, the food picked(the location does the food, we just picked what we wanted), the invites all done, and most of the RSVP's back. alot more people then we though are coming, i think we are at just about 80 people right now. i really dont think we will go over 90. there are so many because people with familys decided that they are going to bring there whole family, which is fine, but when its the mom, dad and 3 or 4 kids that adds up because we have to count all the kids, but its fine and i'm not going to worry about it. just as long as they give us a good present, or in our case a good chunk of money, i'm totally joking!!!!! or am i, lol, i am, i am.

but on our rsvp cards we put "wishing well appreaciated(?spelling?)" my mom thought that was a little tacky, but when you have lived together for just about 3 years you tend to get all the stuff that you need. so we figured that people can either give us money or gift cards so we can go out and get the stuff that we need from where ever. so thats the plan, and if people want to buy us gifts too thats okay. people said that we should register anyways, but i just dont want people going out and buying us stuff that we already have. so for my shower with my dads family out neer Lethbridge i decided to put together a little list of things that i would want, so i put some towels on there and some sheets and a blanket, and then as kind-of a joke i put on a BBQ(a $400 BBQ). so i sent that to my one aunt and she said that she would tell everyone what i wanted and they would take care of that list. so a few weeks after i gave her that she e-mailed me and said.......
just to let you know take the bbq off the list , it has been taken care of-
a lou"
i was so shocked!!! and so happy, i called Kyle right away and told him, he was also very shocked and very happy. he is just sad that we have to wait to get it. that bridal shower is the saturday before the wedding, so May 31st.
i am going to have 2 bridal showers, one out neer Lethbridge with my dads family(because they all live out there). and one here in Calgary at my aunt Sherron's(is it 2 'r's' hummm, i'm not sure) house with my moms family and friends here in Calgary. i just figured that would be easy, with my family all living like 2 hours away from eachother this just seemed the best. Heather and Aunt Sherron(hummm) are planning that one. i'm not sure what they are planning, but i;m sure it will be fun. i told them that there was one thing that i really wanted as a gift, its funny. i want/need one of those shelf storage things that sit over the toilet in the bathroom. i dont have any space to store stuff in there, so thats what i wanted. Heather made a event page on FaceBook and i posted on the wall that, thats what i wanted. i couldn't think of anything else. but thats what i want, so yeah...
Heather and i will go to Lethbridge and stay at our moms house and then we will go to my aunts(Aunt Diane G, i have 2 aunt Diane's) house for the other shower, my mom will come to that one too, its okay, because she was always good friends with my dads sisters, and my aunt Glenna will go to that one as well, she was friends with some of my aunts as well(they all grew up in the same area) so it wont be weird having everyone there. i'm just going to be excited to get our BBQ, i dont know if i will get it then, or if they will just bring it up when they come up the next weekend for the wedding. oh well, but anyways.

i dont really know what else to say about the wedding, we have everything pretty much done. i did the center pieces(just 2 shade red candles stuck in little glass holder things with melted wax holding them in, and little plastic glass looking things around them that i got at the craft store). i like them. they are cute and simple. we just need to buy kyle a black shirt and a red tie and he is good to go. but yeah. i dont have any thing else to say so i better get back to work. bye byee for now...

1 comment:

Kim Hawryluk said...

Sounds like you have some exciting things happening! When is the shower at Aunt Sherron's? Since I'm not on facebook anymore, I don't really know about it. Email me and let me know.

I am showing a little, but not as much as I would have thought I'd be by now. And I'm not very round yet, just kind of lumpy. ha ha I only have 10 weeks left! Crazy.

Let me know if we can help with any of the wedding preps. :)