Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Oh my goodness…. Its 2009 already.

A new year, a new me, to quote my cousin. There is so much that I want to get done in 2009. Like finally finishing our house, or at least get it all put together so when we choose to sell it, it will be ready. And of course having a baby. I’m “baby crazy” as most people that know me would say. Another big one is to get into shape, we have been going to the gym about 4-5 times a week, and staying there for at least 45mins. 30 on the elliptical and 15 on the sit down bikes. I’ve started to feel a little better, the scale tells me that I’m down 8lbs(since the start of December), but I don’t like to believe what they say, my mom says that I should go by how my cloths are fitting. I bought 2 new shirts that don’t fit right now and I would like to be able to fit into them by the summer, unless I’m pregnant, then that’s okay if I don’t fit them. J

Christmas was good. We got to go see all the people that we wanted to see, and spend some extra time with my mom (we finally found someone that could watch the dog overnight). We got everything we wanted/asked for, plus a little more. It seems like Christmas took forever to get here and of course like every year its gone in a blink. We were driving last night and some people still had their trees up, lights going and all. I took ours down on the 27th, I don’t like leaving it up longer then it needs to be. Same with the out-door lights, they are still up, just not on. We’ll take them down the next time its nice out.

For the past week the weather has been crazy, -42 with the wind chill one day and then 2 days later the Chinook comes. When the weather is like that it’s not really all that good, Kyle and I both get head aches. But its okay, we just take the extra strength stuff and tough through it.

Last Friday (the 2nd) was my 2-year anniversary for working at AGAT. It sure doesn’t seem like its been that long. But then again we have owned our house for 2 ½ years now. So its not all that shocking. And in 2 weeks I will be 22. Sometimes when I think back to things I cant believe that some times I have to day that something happened 12 years ago.

Anyways, I don’t have anything else to write about, that I can think of. Bye byee for now.

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