Monday, March 23, 2009

End of March already?????

It has been way too long… It has been over 2 months since my last post. I don’t think there is all that much to update people on though…(I was wrong)

We finally got our shower in the down stairs bathroom put in. with assistance from my mom and Brooks. Kyle and Brooks did all the work, my mom and I just watched. But we did clean the house and got rid of a bunch of junk/garbage from the back yard. And we put a “new” toilet in the basement and in the up stairs bathroom. So with that being done we will soon re-do the counter top down there as well, and lastly the floors and that bathroom will be done! For the upstairs bathroom we just need to put in the new counter-top (sink and taps), and then that will all be done.

We will start finishing the baseboards next weekend I think, or maybe this week sometime. We are having people (my cousin Kim, her husband Andrew and baby Brianne) over for dinner on Thursday so it wont be that day. Maybe Wednesday if I think we can get it all done, we’ll have to wait and see. We are going to Edmonton this weekend so it won’t be Saturday that we get it done.

There are now new doors on the 2 bedrooms and the 1 bathroom upstairs, and wow did it ever make such a difference. The only problem was that the house was so old that everything shifted, so the square doors didn’t fit the doorways. So we had to sand the doors down till they would close. And now all I need to do is paint them. I would really like to just go home today and get my can of white and finish all the trim that’s up right now. Maybe that’s what I will do. First cook dinner, then paint. Good plan.

We are now looking for someone to cut the trees down in our front yard. I have a plan on what I’m going to put there, and I wont have to get the stumps grinded out, so that’s good. We can leave the stumps in, what I’m planning on doing is build really bid planters boxes around them. And then put flowers and shrubs in them. It’s a really good plan, its just going to take a while to get it done. Eventually I will have the out side of the house looking how I want it to.

I think that’s all the house stuff… if I think of anything else later I’ll stick it in.

So now I’ve started my hormone therapy, YAY!!!! I’m taking clomid. Its weird. I’ll explain it in not to much detail, and if people want more info, e-mail me. Haha, so on day 3 I take a blood test to see where my hormone levels are at, then from Day 3-7 I take 1 pill at bed time, because it makes me dizzy, then day 10-16 “like rabbits” (some people might get what that means, if you don’t, think dirty), hahaha. Then on day 21 more blood work to see if hormone levels changed, if there is a good increase then that means that I ovulated. And then wait 2 weeks and take a pregnancy test. If preggers, awesome, if not start from day 1.

I’ve also decided that I’m not going to look for a new job. I’m going to stay where I’m at. Because what if I go get pregnant? Like every place that you work you have to be there for a year to qualify for mat leave. So I’ll stay here till I get pregnant, and then go on my mat leave. And maybe come back here. If I really want to. That is undecided. I’m sure that I will work again, Kyle’s mom doesn’t work, so I’m sure she won’t mind being the baby sitter.
So that’s just about it for now. Nothing else that I can think of that I want to tell the world. Spring should be here. It snowed like 15 inches Saturday night, so it doesn’t feel like spring. But a lot melted yesterday and today. But apparently its going to snow more this week. I just keep telling my self, that all the snow is really water and its going to make all my flowers happy, and the grass green. Maybe if I tell myself that enough it will come true, haha. Anyways. Its almost home time, I didn’t think it would take this long to type out my blog, but I kept getting interrupted by work. Oh well. Bye byee for now.

1 comment:

~Pam said...

You will be too sad to leave your baby with someone else, especially after all the work you are going to go through to have the little one. It would be so sad to have someone else tell you about Your babies first sounds, movements, words. Stay home and Enjoy the Moments of being at home with your babies. You won't regret it. No one ever said I wish that i had worked more.
Not a seromn, just a thought!