Friday, September 11, 2009

20 Weeks and 4 days

Hello all...

I am 20 weeks and 4 days along. Past the half way point. I love that i am starting to show and that i can wear prego cloths and have my belly sticking out and not feel like i'm fat. And i can walk around with my hands on top of my belly and rest them there. Its awesome.

We went to Kyle's cousins (Jeremy) wedding this weekend in BC. it was really nice. a beautiful ceremony and reception. and i got to wear my new prego dress shirt that i bought, and the new skirt that i made! We took a picture of Kyle and I and its really cute.

(not the best picture because of the sun (and Kyle's non-smile), but still good)

I got really car sick on the way home(tuesday) and ended up using a tupperware container at a 'sickness bag'. and then because i wasn't feeling good i didn't want to eat anything and that made baby boy mad at me. so all day Wednesday i was feeling like i was going to be sick. I was talking to a lady at my work who has 2 boys (one is 3 and the other is 1 1/2 (i think)) and told her that i wasn't feeling well, she asked what i had eaten, and i told her tost for breakfast, apple at 10am, and soup for lunch. she said that, that wasn't good enough. and that i should be snacking more. and then when i got home from work, still feeling yucky, i ate dinner and then i felt fine. i dont like that feeling of wanting to throw up, so now instead of bringing just one apple a day to work with me i'm going to bring 2, and eat more at breakfast. maybe have a few spare granola bars in my desk and purse.

So i've started to feel him move(the baby, duh), its mostly in the mornings when i wake up, and then when i'm getting ready for bed. I got a heart dopler thing, just one of those cheepy ones, not like the one that the doctors have, its not very strong, i can only hear my own heart beat through it. but it says that it works best when your 28-30 weeks, so maybe it will work better then. i was reading on and some people sugested that you do it when your bladder is full. so maybe i'll try that.

I'm starting to get hungry now so i'm going to eat one of my apples! bye byee for now.

1 comment:

Kim Hawryluk said...

I can't believe I haven't seen you for so long and you live right down the street! You're looking good!