Monday, August 31, 2009

It's a BOY

So we went for the ultrasound... They called me in and Kyle and Heather waited out in the waiting room till we were done all the medical stuff, measuring and all that. so a hour later!!! the tech. (a very nice lady) went and got Kyle and Heather. they came in and we all looked at the "TV" thing and saw the baby. Heather was amazed. she kept asking questions and was very interested by it. Some times when i dont have anything to do at work i will google ultrasound picture so i kinda knew what i was talking about. i did think its arm was its leg a few times, and mixes up the feet and hands. but everything else i pretty much got right. we watched and listened to the heart beat for a bit (that was my favorite part).

She asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby and both Kyle and i said yes. so she said she would take a look to see if she could get it on the screen again. and to our luck it had its legs crossed so we couldn't see it. so she said "i'm glad i took a picture of it" then went in and got the pictures, she pointed at the screen and said "this is the..." and i yelled out "penis!" and she said yes. haha. then i started crying, i dont know if Heather was or not. i didn't ask. and i know Kyle wasn't. but thats okay. i'm just a big suck.

so after that was all done and i could finally go pee we went to the parking lot and just chatted for a bit. i called my mom, she was happy. i called my dad, he was super happy. i think he might have been crying a little, it sounded like it. but i wasn't sure. and then i texted and e-mailed the rest of the family from my phone. when we got to Kyle's mom's house i used there phone to call my grandma (they get free long distance). she was quite happy too. she thought it was funny how people can find out what there baby will be. and that back in her day they never had anything like that. i told her i would have been okay with not knowing. but i would have rather known so we can be prepared. so yeah.

i only have to work 3 days this week (3 more hours in this day and then 2 more). we are going to BC for our usual summer trip. Kyle's cousin is getting married so we will be there for that too. it will be fun. well aside from having to drive there in Kyle's parents mini van with 2 dogs, 4 people, 1 of which is pregnant and gets cranky if she (being me) has to be in a car for long amounts of time. and i'm sure that i'll have to share a bench seat with kyles mom when i'm going to want to lay down because i get car sick. but whatever. i tried to fight for us to bring our own car but i lost it. so i dont care. i'm just going to be mean and cranky and they will have to deal with it. and if they have a problem... too bad. cant you tell how much i'm looking forward to this. i really hope to be sleeping the whole drive so i dont snap and yell at someone. we'll see how that goes. any ways...

i think thats it for this past week. bye byee for now.

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