Monday, April 16, 2007


So I got some yard work done. Not as much as I would have liked too, but a good amount. I got the back yard raked, and the front ‘garden’ cleaned out. And I started to get the back ‘garden’ cleaned out and I decided that I’m going to move where I’m going to plant my raspberries. I’m going to put them along the other fence because when we fix the one I don’t want them to get trampled. So I’m going to build up and garden for them. I’ll build it up so that Duke doesn’t get into them. I can use the 4x4’s from the old one to put around the new one. And yeah. I’ll take pictures today when I get home from work.

My body is really sore from doing the yard work, a lot of having to bend and twist. But it’s worth it. And a really good thing is that the neighbors said that we could borrow their lawn stuff. Like shovels and stuff like that. So that’s awesome. They are really nice people. And the love Duke, so that’s good too.

We moved the bedroom around, put the bed right up on the wall. It looks a lot bigger now, you can actually see the floor, and not just little bits around the bed. My dad is going to take this next week off, so hopefully we can get the rest of the hallway finished, and maybe start the front entry. But he’s decided that he’s going to sell his house, and he wants to get some stuff done to his house before he does ours. So I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I’m sure that I’ll talk to him either today or tomorrow and she what’s happening.

I don’t really know what else to talk about, I’m sure I’ll think of something later. So yeah, bye byee for now.

1 comment:

Kim Hawryluk said...

I have some yard work that needs to be done (and we have a small yard, so really...I shouldn't really call it work) if you're feeling anxious! JK I have to wait for the ground to dry up first so that I can clean up the garden! I bought some vegetable seeds already - I'm excited!

We can check the progress of each others gardens! :)