Thursday, April 5, 2007

wedding / job issues

So a little bit ago kyle and i decided that we were going to get married this year. and i was really excited. but now he wants to wait till next year because now he wants to have a cermony. which i'm fine with, i just wish he would have told me sooner, so i wouldn't have gotten so excited about it and hadent started planning things. but thats fine. its not like we'er going anywhere. so yeah. i was a little mad also that he didn't tell his parents that we had chosen to do it this year, but i think that he did that because he didn't want to do it this year. so whatever.
any who..............
its the long weeekend, i have 6 working hours left in my day. and then i get to go to the eye doctor. my benifits finally kicked in, so now i can go to the eye doctor, and the dentist(i dont think i will though), and i can get my perscriptions. FINALLY! haha. but anyways. kyle has i think 2 or 3 job interviews for today, and he's going to meet me at the mall where my doctors is. he did start a new job on monday, but he cant do it. they thought that he had his drivers licence, but he doesn't, so he cant do what he need to. because you need to have your drivers to drive this special fork-lift. so yeah. it might be a little rough(money wise) for a while, untill he starts working again. and he really does need to, i cant support us on my wage alone. but we are looking. i think i have faxed his resume to like 50 different places, and a bunch of them call, but its all for like $10 - 14/hr and he wont go lower then $15 because thats what we need. so anyways. i better be getting back to work. talk to you all later.



Kim Hawryluk said...

Yikes! I hope it everything works out for you guys - wedding, job, etc. Let us know if you need a meal here and're totally welcome to come over!

Anonymous said...

Good words.