Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June 5

Well hello everyone. It has been a while since my last entry. Geeze what have I been doing? Haha, working. But we finally did it. We got our back yard all cleaned up. My mom and brooks came to Calgary for the weekend and they stopped by on Sunday, I told my mom how nice our new niebours are and how they said that if we ever need any ‘yard tools’ to just ask because they have a lot. So I was out side talking to my mom and Debbie (the neibour lady) over heard me telling my mom that out weed-wacker is broken. So Debbie said that they had an extra one that we could borrow. And I said great. So she got the one out and Vance (the neibour guy) brought out another one, and he said ‘it’ll get done a lot faster if 2 people do it’ so he and Kyle wacked the poo out of the over grown grass and weeds. They were at it for a good 2 hours. And I really with that I would have taken some before pictures, because now it looks AWESOME! But I did take after pictures that I will put on here and try to explain how horrible it looked before. I haven’t heard back from my mom on what she thinks, but I’m sure she likes what she see’s.

Hummm, what else. We got all of the hard wood put in, in the living room and hall way, and we have all the tile for in the kitchen. The only hard part is getting my dad to come over and do it. But I’m not going to complain, it’s going to be free so oh well. The only thing that we need to buy is some ¼” ply wood for a new sub floor. Kyle’s dad said that he would buy it for us, but I don’t think that will happen. He said it after he had a few too many drinks so I don’t think he’ll remember it. So we’ll just have to buy it. I’m going to call my dad later to see about it happening this weekend. but we are going to my aunt and uncles house for a ‘cousins get together’. It’ll be fun. All of my cousins that live here in Calgary are all going to go, we’re going to BBQ and maybe play some games. It’ll be good times. Well not all my cousins. Some can’t make it. But oh well. So I’ll have to ask Kim(my cousin that organized it) what time it’s going to be at, and see when heather(my sister) will want to head out there. So we shall see. I should take a before picture of out kitchen floor. Its gross. And then a nice after one. Haha. Anyways. I better be getting back to work, even thought I don’t have anything to do and I’m just going to waste this last ½ hour. Bye byee for now.

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