Wednesday, July 11, 2007

So far, not a good week!

There is so much to fill everyone in on! We got our tile in our kitchen, on the floor. I’m so excited it looks so awesome. So the up-stairs part is somewhat all done. We just need new stuff for the bed rooms, and the front entry/stairs. But we do have it, for the stairs, its just not in yet and I don’t think it’ll get done till Aug. but oh well I don’t care. We can wait. So now I’m thinking that next week I will tare out the back splash in the kitchen and put up the new stuff. It seems easy enough, and if we are careful we wont have to rip the wall out and just put up new dry wall, that would just be a big pain in the butt. But anyways….

We are dog sitting for Beau(My sisters BF) and we love his little dog(King, a bull dog), we have now decided if he ever asks us to do it again that we will be busy. He is very annoying, and is a bad influence on our dog Duke. All he does is ruff house and bite and be very annoying. He bit duke so bad yesterday that he yelped and I got mad and hit him hard, but he needs to learn to play nice and not to bite so much.

It is just not my week! And its only Wednesday.

I say this because our hot water tank is broken. It has a crack in the bottom of the tank, so we are going to have to buy a new one, haha, bye byee money! It’s a good thing that we have a gift card to the home depot or else we would be in a lot more trouble.

And last night wasn’t good either. I was in the basement playing with Pookie, my hampster, and I had him on the desk that his cage is on, well Sassy, my cat, decided that she was going to jump up on the desk and try to eat Pookie! She bit him right in the bum and it sounded like he screamed and because he was in my hand he bit me too. So I put him in his cage and because I was so mad I yelled at Sassy and picked her up and threw her out of the room, not hard but good enough that she ran to her ‘room’(the laundry room) and then I checked Pookie to make sure that he was okay, and he was, no bleeding or anything, so he’ll be fine. And kyle heard me yell at Sassy so he came down stairs and I started to cry because I was worried about Pookie, and then I went to see if sassy was okay and she was cowering in her bad, and I felt bad about being mean and yelling at her but she made me really mad when she did that. Like how was I going to know that she was going to try and do that. So I picked her up and gave her hugs and kisses, I think she’s still scared of me, but not as much as before.


My granny is going to come to the city today, I’m excited to see her and for her to see what we have done with the house. She hasn’t been in a while, she was there when we still had the pink carpet in and the walls were a weird color. So I think she will like it a lot more now.

Kyle’s aunt Vicky and cousin Becky are coming in as well, she will be here tomorrow(Thursday) and will stay till Sunday or Monday. Vicky has a daughter(Jen) that lives here in Calgary and she’s well there is not other way to put it then a freak, she shaved her head and left a patch in the back of her head so she could have a poni-tail and she left her bangs too. And she has all these weird very badly done tattoos all over her, he boyfriend is a weird one too. They both drink all the time and do drugs. The last time that we saw them was Christmas eve, and we had all gone out to dinner, Kyle’s parents Jen, her BF, kyle and I, and they both complained so much and were so rude to the waiter guy, but I think that it had something to do with the joint that they smoked before we went in. so anyways, she hardly ate anything at all, a nice waste of someone else’s money. But before we left she said that she needed to go to the bathroom, so she went in and she was in there for like 20 min’s so I went in to check on her and she was in there crying and talking to a chair! And I was like okay jen we’re going now, and then she told me that she was talking to a old lady, and she has said something about her being a messenger and I don’t know, freaking crazy chick! But anyways I’m hoping that we wont have to see her. But I’m sure that we will. But oh well.

I don’t have anything else to say. If I could figure it out I would put pictures of the kitchen on here but I don’t know how to, so oh well. Bye byee for now!

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