Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mothers Day...

My sister and I are going to go down to Lethbridge for Mothers day. Lethbridge because thats where our mom lives, for those of you that didn't know that. haha. I'm excited to see my mom, it hasn't been very long, but its different when you aren't able to see them every day, if you wanted. so i am excited, and then i will get to see her next weekend because she is coming up to go meet with people about the wedding, and pay for the most part of the food.and then just a few days after that for my first bridal shower, and then the next weekend after that Heather and I are going to Lethbridge again for my second bridal shower, and then......(haha) a week after that its the wedding. so my mom and i have some busy weeks ahead of us. but thats okay.

i am very excited about the wedding now. We looked at wedding bands for Kyle on monday, found some really nice ones, but really $$$ too. i know that i can get something nice and not have to spend alot of money either. so i will look more when Heather and I go to the mall on friday, and maybe in Lethbridge too if we get there early enough. I think we are going up saturday morning. Heather usually works on saturdays but i think she said that she was going to see if she could get it off, or only work till 12:00 or something like that. i dont know i will talk to her later and find out for sure.

we are meeting kyles friend(Andrew) and best man tonight for dinner and drinks, just to talk and hang out. it will be nice to see him, he was in Asia for i think 2 months or 7 weeks, i'm not sure, but we havn't seen him in a while, so it will be nice to catch up. but anyways..... i dont have much else to say, i am at work and i am bored!!!!! and this will be my second post this week, its a record, lol. anyways.... bye byee for now.

1 comment:

Kim Hawryluk said...

sounds like everything is coming together nicely for the wedding! That's great news. Good luck with the final weeks! :)