Monday, July 28, 2008

Where has the year gone???

Its the end of July, the year is more then 1/2 gone. there are 156 days left in the year, 150 days till christmas, and 177 days till my next birthday, it doesn't seem very far away. i just think its crazy how fast the time goes by, it may not seem like it(except on weekends), but it sure does. On thursday we are leaving for our anual trip to BC to Kyle's grandma's house. we will be there till tuesday(driving back then) and then i am back to work on thursday, i'm taking wednesday off because we are going to do down town and get all the name changes and all that done, along with getting our passports done too, we figured that if we want to go to mexico in november or december we should have those in order. so thats the plan for now...

we are going to buy a new fridge when we get back too. the one we have now makes alot of weird noises, and i'm pretty sure its going to break down any minute. its not very good at keeping things in the door cold either. and stuff in the freezer is either frozen solid, or kind of melting. so its about time. and i would like everything in my kitchen to match, so far everything is white, except for the fridge. another bigger purchas i would like to make is a new tub for the upstairs, its very old and just plain gross. its a nasty yellow(off white) color, and has the whole built in tub surround thing going on that i just dont like, it makes it seem much smaller then it really is. so a nice new tub and some new tile to go all around up to the celling would be really nice. i'm getting all these ideas now that i am talking about them that i have started to write stuff down that i want to do. and i know that we can do these things because(and i know this isn't the best thing to do but oh well) we took out a line of credit so we can fix up the house and sell it! i'm excited because i think we are going to try and get everything done by next spring and put it up. so here's hopeing(*cross fingers*).

i dont really have much else to say, i only have 1 1/2 hours left in my day, so that helped speed things along. i better e-mail my cousin and see if they can check in on the house while we are gone. bye byee for now.

Monday, July 7, 2008

So here we are...

So I just typed a whole bunch of stuff, and I went to highlight it so I could do a little spell check and it disappeared!!!!! And then it did the save thing so it saved as it being all deleted. So I get to type it over again, which is okay, because I don’t have anything to do. I was saying before. It has now been one month that Kyle and i have been married. Its exciting stuff. the time went by really fast, alot faster then i thought it would. but now Kyle and I are finally going to go to the bank to get joint bank accounts. I'm not really sure how it will work. like if I will just be added onto his or if they will make a whole new account or what, but I am excited. I will be glad when I can stop worrying about having to go to the bank to take out my half of the mortgage and giving it to Kyle so he can put it in his bank account. so that it will be there when the mortgage payment comes out. or when we go to pay our bills online. so I am looking forward to that.

some day this month we will also go down town to get my name legally changed to Chambers and all that stuff, like my Alberta Health and SIN card and anything and everything else that needs to be changed. I think we might go get our passports that day too. but I don’t know. we will just have to wait and see. I could go on the 31st of the month. That’s when we will leave for BC but I think that we aren't going to leave till the evening, so I can have the day to do all that running around. but again... I just don’t know. OR.... I could just take a Friday off early and do it. now I really don’t know. I should find all this out and then start making plans.

so anyways. I don’t really have much else to say. so I better be getting back to work. even though I don’t have anything to do...bye bye for now.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Oh my goodness...

It has been so long since i wrote anything. So i'm married now! it was awesome, everything went well. the food was good, the cake was fantastic, i cried like a baby, kyle almost cried, but held it in. it was good times. there isn't really anything else to say about it except that. we have been married for 4 weeks now(tomorrow). life is the same as it was before, because we were living together like a married couple anyways. i just have a extra ring on my finger and a new last name. but of course i do love being married, and introducing kyle as my husband, and i call him husband all the time too. its cute, i love it.

my cousin Kim had her baby, it was a girl just like i thought it would be. and a good thing too. we went over there and i droped off a hanging basket of flowers, all the flowers were pink! so i knew i was telling the future when i did that. and Andrew joked when he got home that night to sleep at the house that he didn't think anyone knew it was a girl, and i said i was just predicting the future. but anywas, there baby, Brianne(i think thats how you spell it) is so cute. and yes pretty much all babys are cute, but she is just adorable. she will be a heart breaker. and of course this just made me more baby crazy. we are very determined to have one. Kyle even wants one now that we are married as well. and i have always said, all my life i have wanted to be a mom, and we really hope that we can make that come true. and of course because i want it so bad i have to have issues with that as well. i have PCOS(, if you want you can go to that web site and read up. but its pretty much that i have cysits on my ovary's, and i dont ovulate. but i have a appointment with a specialist for August 11. so i hope that she will be able to tell me something good. or fix me so i can have babies. because i really want one. and if it all came down to it and there was no chance that i could have one we would adopt, but i just want to be pregnant, and go through all the "good times" that comes along with it. but it will all come in good time, i just have to wait it out.

but anyways, i better get back to work. bye byee for now.