Monday, July 28, 2008

Where has the year gone???

Its the end of July, the year is more then 1/2 gone. there are 156 days left in the year, 150 days till christmas, and 177 days till my next birthday, it doesn't seem very far away. i just think its crazy how fast the time goes by, it may not seem like it(except on weekends), but it sure does. On thursday we are leaving for our anual trip to BC to Kyle's grandma's house. we will be there till tuesday(driving back then) and then i am back to work on thursday, i'm taking wednesday off because we are going to do down town and get all the name changes and all that done, along with getting our passports done too, we figured that if we want to go to mexico in november or december we should have those in order. so thats the plan for now...

we are going to buy a new fridge when we get back too. the one we have now makes alot of weird noises, and i'm pretty sure its going to break down any minute. its not very good at keeping things in the door cold either. and stuff in the freezer is either frozen solid, or kind of melting. so its about time. and i would like everything in my kitchen to match, so far everything is white, except for the fridge. another bigger purchas i would like to make is a new tub for the upstairs, its very old and just plain gross. its a nasty yellow(off white) color, and has the whole built in tub surround thing going on that i just dont like, it makes it seem much smaller then it really is. so a nice new tub and some new tile to go all around up to the celling would be really nice. i'm getting all these ideas now that i am talking about them that i have started to write stuff down that i want to do. and i know that we can do these things because(and i know this isn't the best thing to do but oh well) we took out a line of credit so we can fix up the house and sell it! i'm excited because i think we are going to try and get everything done by next spring and put it up. so here's hopeing(*cross fingers*).

i dont really have much else to say, i only have 1 1/2 hours left in my day, so that helped speed things along. i better e-mail my cousin and see if they can check in on the house while we are gone. bye byee for now.

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