Monday, July 27, 2009

Pregnancy Updates...

So I’ve been writing in a booklet (kind of like a journal) for the past 3 months about how things are going and how I’ve been feeling and what not. Then as I was writing today I realized that I could just put it here on my blog! DUH!!! And because I’m board at work I figured that I could type a few of them up so that whoever wants to can see how I was feeling at that current time. So here goes... *****Started writingMay 26, 2009
Had a doctors appointment, we talked about a bunch of stuff. She will refer me to a different doctor for delivery. She doesn't do that. I asked that I be sent to Peter Lougheed (?), as it’s easier to get to.
Booked an ultra sound (two words?) for June 10 to see exactly how far along I am. Booked a physical for July 2.

June 1, 2009
I'm not sure if its because I haven’t been sleeping well, or if its because of the baby but I’ve just been really tired. It doesn't help that it’s hot in the house.

June 5, 2009
I felt sick in the morning all week, I didn't ever actually throw up, and I sure felt like I could have. No food cravings, just hungry all the time. I get really hungry in the mornings, I never use too. Fruit will usually fix it.

June 9, 2009
Tomorrow is the ultra sound, I’m so excited. My doctor thinks I am 12 weeks along, I don’t think so. I just want to see it. And know that it really is there. I think I’m only like 6-8 weeks. So we'll see.

June 15, 2009
We had the ultra sound last Wednesday, very exciting. I defiantly wasn't as far along as my doctor thought. I’m only 7 weeks. As of today I will be 8 weeks. By the time we go to Kyle’s cousins wedding I will be at 12. So that'll be good. And I’ll go in for my 18-week ultra sound because we go to BC. So we can tell Kyle's aunt Heather, she wants to know the sex of the baby so she can buy us stuff. Nothing else to report, feeling okay, just tired. I think my due date is January 25th.

June 26, 2009 (week 9)
I have no idea what my due date is. Now I think its December 28. I’ll ask the doctor when we go. If I remember, I’ve been forgetting a lot lately. I’m having problems keeping my suppers down. I’m thrown up a few times, and every other time I’ve been really sick and wanting too. Oh well, I don’t mind because it’s leading up to something awesome.

July 15, 2009 (week 12)
I forgot to ask the doctor when my due date would be. Oh well. I am now past my 3 months, YAY! I haven’t gotten sick again for a while, so that’s good. I don’t really feel different, I think I will once I start to be able to feel it move.


July 27, 2009
So..... My real due date is January 26, 2010. I was really close with my first prediction. So now instead of my thinking I was going to have a Christmas baby it will be a my birthday present. Depending on when it wants to show up.
We heard the heart beat on July 23! At my doctors appointment. it was awesome, like a horse running (trotting). 150bpm I think she said. I cried, no really I did, and I know I never cry, right? Haha, wrong, I’m a crybaby.
I booked my 18-week ultra sound for August 28th at 11:45am! I really hope it’s in the right position that we can see what the sex will be. I NEED TO KNOW!!!!! Well I don’t need to, I just really really want to. And I think a lot of other people want to know as well. I would like it to be a girl. But I’m not going to be sad if it’s a boy. As long as it’s healthy then I don’t care. I have another doctor’s appointment August 17th, I’ll be able to hear the heart beat again!!!! I'm going to record it this time and send it to my mom! She will love that.

So those are my 'journal' entries. I’ll post them on here whenever I do them.

We are going to my mom's house this weekend (long weekend). And we will go to waterton for a hike and camp there one night. It’ll be nice. I know that we will go for a hike on Saturday, I’m not sure what we will do Saturday night, maybe play cards. Who knows, I think it will be fun. It’ll be nice to get away. And its brooks' birthday this weekend, so that’s another reason that we are going.
Not much else to write about. We are slowly cleaning out all the rooms in our house to make room for baby. I had no clue how much junk we had till we started cleaning it. Anyways, bye byee for now.


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