Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Week 16 AKA 4 months

Things are still going well. Nothing has really changed. I had been having some weird pains, kind-of like cramps, just not as bad. and i had no idea what it was... Untill i got a e-mail update from 'BabyCenter Canada' that said........
Your baby's about the size of an avocado now but in the next three weeks, he'll go through a tremendous growth spurt — doubling his weight and increasing his length. In the meantime, he'll be playing with his umbilical cord and practising breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid through his lungs. You're going through a bit of a growth spurt yourself. Your uterus has expanded so much that the ligaments in your abdomen are stretching to make room for it. If you feel any twinges of pain now, that's why.
I get these every week, they are very interesting. I think its cute that they will say either he or she when they talk about the baby, it changes every week. I cant wait till i can say he or she. I'm very much looking forward to the ultrasound on the 28th. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. we will get to hear the heart beat again, i'm going to see if she (my doctor) will let me record it onto my phone. then i could listen to it all day. We bought one of those at home heart dopler things, but its not powerful enough to hear through all the layers (lol). the booklet that came with it said it would work at around 24-30 weeks, i wanted it to work before that. but guess not, i'll try every once and a while and think that i can hear it, but most of the time i think its my own heart beat, or my stomach making noises.

(Getting off the baby subject now)
Heather (my sister) had a 'Pampered Chef' party on the weekend. Pampered chef is a product line of kitchen items created my a woman in Texas that wanted to spend less time in the kitchen and more time with her family. So anyways. Lindsay (my sisters friend who sells Pampered Chef) and Heather put on a little show and everyone watched them prepare some little snacks and drinks. We had Jerk Chicken Nachos, that were so good i ordered the jamican jerk rub/seasoning. she also made jalapeno pizza popers, and me being pregnant gets heart burn really easy so i didn't try those, but by what everyone else said they were good. we also had triple citrus mojitos, no rum and vodka in mine! and those were SO good.
i think there were 10 ladies there in total (including Heather and Lindsay) and everyone bought something (not Lindsay though). So i guess one of the perks of having this party was that depending on how much your party go-ers spend you get free stuff! for example, Lindsay sold just over $700 worth of product, which ment that Heather got $145 worth of free product, and 3 items at 50% off! she got a bunch of free stuff. so this got me thinking. I SHOULD TOTALLY HAVE A PAMPERED CHEF PARTY!!! Heathers party was on Sunday, and on Monday morning i had mine all planned and ready to invite people. so yeah. i'm quite excited for my party, I've invited a lot of family members, a few people from work, and some ladies that live across the street. so far there are 6 people coming (not including me or Lindsay). some people that i work with cant make it, so i brough them copies of the catalog and order forms, one lady has ordered $141 worth of stuff, and the other $152! that will count towards my party total! so yay, free stuff for me! anyways. thats all i could think of to write.

Bye byee for now,


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