Friday, November 23, 2007

Nov 24

So.................. i started a new job, in the same company, last week. and its awesome. i am keeping really busy and i pretty much always have something to do, which i really like. at the other place i found it really dull, and i never had anything to but except filling. and that was not fun. but here i was doing ePayables, which was awesome, and kept me really busy, and now i am calling people to get gas cylinders back that they have had for over 60days. which sounds stupid but its good. and the people are so nice and layed back, its totally different then at the other building where everyone had a stick up there butts. haha. i really like my new supervisor, she's super nice. and the people that are sitting around me are nice too. one girl who is just a year older then i am, maybe 2 years older, is going to have a baby, they just found out the sex yesterday, so i like that she can tell me things about that and i can share in her joy i guess you could say.
and then i find out that my cousin that lives just a few houses away from me is going to have a baby too, i think its something in the water, and if it is can i have some of it. haha, stuff like that makes me want to have a baby so bad, but we dont think that we can. i'm not going to get into it, but lets just say that if it was going to happen it should have by now. i think i might have to go and see the doctor one day and find out what the issue is. but anyways. my other cousin had her baby, a little boy(a little early too) but they are both doing fine, and will be able to come home this weekend, i think. my aunt is coming up from lethbridge for a week to help out. thats very nice of her. i think we will go for lunch one day next week. her my cousin my sister and i. but we will have to wait and see. anyway.
i dont have much else to say. so yeah. bye byee for now.

Friday, October 12, 2007


So. it has been a while since i have posted anything. so i figured that it was about time that i got around to it. i just got back from a extra long weekend, my mom, her husband, brooks, my sister and i all went to Utah to visit family. mainly to see my grandpa and grandma. but it was awesome to see everyone else too. I got a facial done by my aunt diane. it hurt so much, i dont ever recomend it to anyone that doesn't have a high pain tollerance. i cried and screamed and swore a few times, i dont think anyone heard me because i did it inbetween sobbs. haha, she said it was okay that i said bad words just not the f word. and i'm okay with that. because i dont like that word. but anyways. she "extracted" my face, which means she popped every pimple she could fine, and thats what made me first start crying(i had alot). then she put salacilic acid on my face, pure acid. like you know how you will go out and buy that face wash and it will say something like 2% or 5% salacilic acid, well this stuff was pure, and it hurt so bad, and made my skin go all red and white. anyways, it hurt alot, but now that it had peeled and is all healed it looks awesome! haha. i still have some dis-coloration but that will fade with time. and i also have some new facewash and lotion and a special mask that should help too. i'm really excited! AND i lost a little bit more weight which is also awesome.
but anyways. we got some bad news when we were down there, my grandpa isn't doing so good. they dont know how much longer he has. and it was really hard to say our good bye's. but anyways. i better be getting back to you. bye byee for now.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Aug 20th 2007

So it has been an eventful week I guess you could say. At the beginning I wasn’t feeling to good. T.O.M came to visit. For those of you who don’t know what it means TOM is Aunt Flow’s son. Hahahahahaha! I’m so funny. Anyways. So Thursday was crap. I had bad cramps and all. And then Friday was much better. I had just gotten paid and my day was pretty good… until I got a e-mail from my mom telling me that my Great Grandma had passed away. At first I thought I was going to be okay. But them I started crying. And I couldn’t really do my job so I got Kendall to sit at my desk and watch the phones. I then called Kyle and sobbed and cried a bit. Then went into work. I saw Jesse our interoffice mail guy and told him what happened (I hadn’t told Kendall yet) and then went and sat in a empty office for another few min’s to get my self together. And went to my desk. Kendall said that Jesse told her what happened and that she told Corey (my boss) and Corey said for me to go home. I wasn’t expecting my sister to come and get me till 4:00(it was 3:15 at the time) and that I would be okay till then. And its one of those things that is okay till you start talking about it. Like this guy from logistics Patric came and gave me a hug, which was really nice. But then made me cry because I started to talk about it. So I called my sister and asked when she was going to get here and she said that she could be there in 10 min’s. so she came and I left. I think I took it really bad because of TOM and Aunt flow. Those jerks. But now I am okay. Going to the gym for 5 hours then going home and eating almost a whole pizza really made me feel better. So did getting so drunk that I couldn’t stand. Haha.
But then Sunday came along and I felt somewhat better. And we went out side to take the dog out and we saw the people that live next to us who told us that the people that own the unit on the other side of us were painting. And we thought great our house is going to look like poop. But the color that they picked is really nice. Its called volcanic ash or something like that. It’s a really dark gray and we really like it. So we are going to paint our side this weekend. there is no way that we would leave ours un-painted. First off I hate the color of our house. Its this nasty blue stuff that is just gross. And I think that when you have a duplex that the whole thing should be the same color because it looks stupid some times if its not. Like maybe if they are on 2 different levels. Like if one is out more or if there is more definition between the 2. I don’t know, I just don’t think it will look good. But anyways. I’m excited to paint the out side of the house. I’m told that it will increase the value of the house. And that’s a good thing when you are wanting to sell in the next 4 or less years. But who know. We will just have to wait to see what the future brings I guess. But hey, if anyone wants to help paint my house your more then welcome. Just give me a call or e-mail. Haha. Bye byee for now.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

So far, not a good week!

There is so much to fill everyone in on! We got our tile in our kitchen, on the floor. I’m so excited it looks so awesome. So the up-stairs part is somewhat all done. We just need new stuff for the bed rooms, and the front entry/stairs. But we do have it, for the stairs, its just not in yet and I don’t think it’ll get done till Aug. but oh well I don’t care. We can wait. So now I’m thinking that next week I will tare out the back splash in the kitchen and put up the new stuff. It seems easy enough, and if we are careful we wont have to rip the wall out and just put up new dry wall, that would just be a big pain in the butt. But anyways….

We are dog sitting for Beau(My sisters BF) and we love his little dog(King, a bull dog), we have now decided if he ever asks us to do it again that we will be busy. He is very annoying, and is a bad influence on our dog Duke. All he does is ruff house and bite and be very annoying. He bit duke so bad yesterday that he yelped and I got mad and hit him hard, but he needs to learn to play nice and not to bite so much.

It is just not my week! And its only Wednesday.

I say this because our hot water tank is broken. It has a crack in the bottom of the tank, so we are going to have to buy a new one, haha, bye byee money! It’s a good thing that we have a gift card to the home depot or else we would be in a lot more trouble.

And last night wasn’t good either. I was in the basement playing with Pookie, my hampster, and I had him on the desk that his cage is on, well Sassy, my cat, decided that she was going to jump up on the desk and try to eat Pookie! She bit him right in the bum and it sounded like he screamed and because he was in my hand he bit me too. So I put him in his cage and because I was so mad I yelled at Sassy and picked her up and threw her out of the room, not hard but good enough that she ran to her ‘room’(the laundry room) and then I checked Pookie to make sure that he was okay, and he was, no bleeding or anything, so he’ll be fine. And kyle heard me yell at Sassy so he came down stairs and I started to cry because I was worried about Pookie, and then I went to see if sassy was okay and she was cowering in her bad, and I felt bad about being mean and yelling at her but she made me really mad when she did that. Like how was I going to know that she was going to try and do that. So I picked her up and gave her hugs and kisses, I think she’s still scared of me, but not as much as before.


My granny is going to come to the city today, I’m excited to see her and for her to see what we have done with the house. She hasn’t been in a while, she was there when we still had the pink carpet in and the walls were a weird color. So I think she will like it a lot more now.

Kyle’s aunt Vicky and cousin Becky are coming in as well, she will be here tomorrow(Thursday) and will stay till Sunday or Monday. Vicky has a daughter(Jen) that lives here in Calgary and she’s well there is not other way to put it then a freak, she shaved her head and left a patch in the back of her head so she could have a poni-tail and she left her bangs too. And she has all these weird very badly done tattoos all over her, he boyfriend is a weird one too. They both drink all the time and do drugs. The last time that we saw them was Christmas eve, and we had all gone out to dinner, Kyle’s parents Jen, her BF, kyle and I, and they both complained so much and were so rude to the waiter guy, but I think that it had something to do with the joint that they smoked before we went in. so anyways, she hardly ate anything at all, a nice waste of someone else’s money. But before we left she said that she needed to go to the bathroom, so she went in and she was in there for like 20 min’s so I went in to check on her and she was in there crying and talking to a chair! And I was like okay jen we’re going now, and then she told me that she was talking to a old lady, and she has said something about her being a messenger and I don’t know, freaking crazy chick! But anyways I’m hoping that we wont have to see her. But I’m sure that we will. But oh well.

I don’t have anything else to say. If I could figure it out I would put pictures of the kitchen on here but I don’t know how to, so oh well. Bye byee for now!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June 5

Well hello everyone. It has been a while since my last entry. Geeze what have I been doing? Haha, working. But we finally did it. We got our back yard all cleaned up. My mom and brooks came to Calgary for the weekend and they stopped by on Sunday, I told my mom how nice our new niebours are and how they said that if we ever need any ‘yard tools’ to just ask because they have a lot. So I was out side talking to my mom and Debbie (the neibour lady) over heard me telling my mom that out weed-wacker is broken. So Debbie said that they had an extra one that we could borrow. And I said great. So she got the one out and Vance (the neibour guy) brought out another one, and he said ‘it’ll get done a lot faster if 2 people do it’ so he and Kyle wacked the poo out of the over grown grass and weeds. They were at it for a good 2 hours. And I really with that I would have taken some before pictures, because now it looks AWESOME! But I did take after pictures that I will put on here and try to explain how horrible it looked before. I haven’t heard back from my mom on what she thinks, but I’m sure she likes what she see’s.

Hummm, what else. We got all of the hard wood put in, in the living room and hall way, and we have all the tile for in the kitchen. The only hard part is getting my dad to come over and do it. But I’m not going to complain, it’s going to be free so oh well. The only thing that we need to buy is some ¼” ply wood for a new sub floor. Kyle’s dad said that he would buy it for us, but I don’t think that will happen. He said it after he had a few too many drinks so I don’t think he’ll remember it. So we’ll just have to buy it. I’m going to call my dad later to see about it happening this weekend. but we are going to my aunt and uncles house for a ‘cousins get together’. It’ll be fun. All of my cousins that live here in Calgary are all going to go, we’re going to BBQ and maybe play some games. It’ll be good times. Well not all my cousins. Some can’t make it. But oh well. So I’ll have to ask Kim(my cousin that organized it) what time it’s going to be at, and see when heather(my sister) will want to head out there. So we shall see. I should take a before picture of out kitchen floor. Its gross. And then a nice after one. Haha. Anyways. I better be getting back to work, even thought I don’t have anything to do and I’m just going to waste this last ½ hour. Bye byee for now.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Long time no type.

I haven’t written anything here in a while. So yeah. I finally got my Raspberries in the ground, we are going to but some strawberries too, I think maybe tonight. But maybe not because I wouldn’t have anywhere to put them yet.
We started BBQing, we did ribs, there weren’t all that good, I think its because we didn’t boil them first. And last night we did burgers. And we now know that we need to change the coles in it because the were on fire last night, or quite some time. So I’m thinking that we really need to do that, because we wont BBQ any more unless they get changed, I don’t want that to happen again, it wasn’t very nice.
Lets see, on the weekend I went to brooks’ batism. It was okay, but the family and people that I don’t even know trying to get me to go back to church really made me mad. The family is understandable, but the people that I didn’t even know what just stupid. Like I don’t even know you and you have the balls to tell me that I should go back to church, sorry about the whole balls thing. But it really made me mad.
But other then that it was pretty good. I got to see my family, which was really nice. And my Aunt Diane waxed my eye brows, they look wicked. And my mom tinted them. So that was nice. And I got to see my cousin Jesse’s and Danielle’s baby, Arden I think is how you spell his name, but he is oh so cute. He’s got bright red hair, just like his mom. So freaking cute!But anyways. I better be getting back to work. Bye byee for now.

Monday, April 30, 2007

April 30, sigh, monday, again.

So its monday morning. and i'm really tired. i was so warm and cozy in my bed this morning. i just didn't want to get up, but i had to. oh well. another week that i'm hopeing with go by fast. *knock on wood*. i didn't get as much done on the weekend as i would liked to. Kim and i didn't go get raspberries, she didn't call so i assume that she got busy, thats okay. i didn't get my little area where i wanted them fixed anyways. the womans show was awesome. a much better hall then last year. lots of free little goodies. i would say other things but i got a mothers day gift and i dont want to say what it is because i think she reads these things. and after we did end up going to Craig and Bevs house for dinner, it was nice. we sat out on the porch from 2:00 till 7:00. i got a little burned on my face, i guess i'll have to start wearing sun block all the time now. : P kyle got burned on his arms, but it faded onto a really dark tan, damm him and his dark hair. haha. but oh well. i think we'll be going to canadian tire tonight, we need to get some stuff to stick down a hole that we have under our front step where there are wasps. Vance our new neibour warned us about. and i'm glab that he did. and we know we need to do it soon, because there waking up now. so we need to nip it in the bud. but anyways.

if everything goes well with my grandpa's MRI's today and tomorrow they're going to come up on the weekend for brooks' thing. that'll be awesome. it'll br really nice to see both of them again, so *cross fingers* that everything goes okay.

i dont have anything else to say. bye byee for now.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


So my mom called me last night, and told me that her husband, Brooks, has made the choice to get baptized. i'm very happy for him. its good that he has made that choice, even though i dont follow it. but good for him anyways. its going to happen may 5th in Lethbridge. i think my sister is going to go, so i'll get a ride with her, but if not i'm sure i can get a ride with one of my aunts or cousins. but i'm pretty positive that heather will be going. it will be nice to have all the family together. Kyle doesn't want to go. and i'm fine with that, he can make his own choices. it bothers me a little. but its what he wants and i'm not going to bug him about it. but thats all i have to say. bye byee for now.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

new position????????

so i out in my resume to go for the payroll job that we have open(because the last lady quit after like 1 week.). last week i told the payroll lady(jackie) that if she needed any help that i would help her however i could, because payroll is so busy, and only having one person doesn't help. and jackie said that i should put in my resume and i said that i would and she said that she would talk to the accounting manager and yeah. this morning she said for me to send my resume on up, so i did. i havn't heard anything yet, *fingers crossed*. so i guess we'll see. the thing is, is that i dont have any experence with that, but i am really good on computers, and i learn quick. so i really hope that some one sends me a e-mail or something saying anything really about it. like even if its a no i would still like to know, so i'm not always like, whats going on and always wondering. but anyways. i dont know if i'll hear anything this week though. its a payweek and there really busy. but anyways. thats it for now.

tuesday....... when it should be friday!

Hello all. i am at work. and i want to go home and go to bed. i'm really tired. i had a good sleep and all that, but i just want to sleep more. i remember when i use to go to bed at like 1am or 2am and get up at noon or 1pm. good times those were. haha. anyways.

i talked to my old neighbor last night for like almost 45mins. it was really nice to talk to her again. we were planning on going to the calgary womans show on saturday and i had called her to make sure that we were still on, and we are. i'm excited to go, we went to the spring one together last year and it was nice, just walking around talking. last year they had some people that sold garden plants, and flowers and all that kind of stuff. so i'm going to see about getting some flowers and vegies to plant from there, as long as there not to much money. but how lucky am i that i get paid the day before we are going? haha. so i'll talk some cash with me and i'll have my bank card too. so yeah. i'm happy to be going still, and with Bev too. Kyle is going to hang out with Craig(Bev's husband, our other old neighbor) and his son Austin. he's looking foward to that too, because he hasn't seen them in a while either, i think our house warming party was the last time we saw them and that was before christmas. so its been a while.

but anyways. i dont know that else to type about so yeah. bye byee for now.

Monday, April 16, 2007


So I got some yard work done. Not as much as I would have liked too, but a good amount. I got the back yard raked, and the front ‘garden’ cleaned out. And I started to get the back ‘garden’ cleaned out and I decided that I’m going to move where I’m going to plant my raspberries. I’m going to put them along the other fence because when we fix the one I don’t want them to get trampled. So I’m going to build up and garden for them. I’ll build it up so that Duke doesn’t get into them. I can use the 4x4’s from the old one to put around the new one. And yeah. I’ll take pictures today when I get home from work.

My body is really sore from doing the yard work, a lot of having to bend and twist. But it’s worth it. And a really good thing is that the neighbors said that we could borrow their lawn stuff. Like shovels and stuff like that. So that’s awesome. They are really nice people. And the love Duke, so that’s good too.

We moved the bedroom around, put the bed right up on the wall. It looks a lot bigger now, you can actually see the floor, and not just little bits around the bed. My dad is going to take this next week off, so hopefully we can get the rest of the hallway finished, and maybe start the front entry. But he’s decided that he’s going to sell his house, and he wants to get some stuff done to his house before he does ours. So I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I’m sure that I’ll talk to him either today or tomorrow and she what’s happening.

I don’t really know what else to talk about, I’m sure I’ll think of something later. So yeah, bye byee for now.

Friday, April 13, 2007


so its friday, the 13th. oooOOOOoOoOoOoooo... haha, not really. and i'm at work. and i dont have anything to do.
but i have decided that we are going to go to canadian tire after we're done work so i can get some stuff to work on the yard. i need to get some grass seeds. because there are some bare patches that i want to be filled in, or maybe some 'turf builder' some one at my work told me that it works pretty good. and i want to get a really good rake(?) to get up all the dead grass. because the green stuff is starting to come through. i do really like doing yard work, i think i have since i was a kid. i would always want to mow the grass and all that stuff. and now that i have my own yard to take care of its even better. and one of those garden claws, i think thats what their called, to get up all the weeds that are growing in the "garden". i'm excited.
we need to find someone that will let me dig up some of their rasberries so i can have some in my garden, and people tell me that they are alot of work, and i know that. i use to take care of the ones at my moms old house, picking everyother day, pulling out the dead ones, triming them every season.
all this yard work talk is making me want to go and go some. haha. but what really sucks is that we have big pine trees all by our house, and grass cant/wont grow by them. so i think i'm going to make a big planters box to go by the one front fence so i have have flowers and what not there, instead of little bits of grass and dirt. because thats just no fun.
oh my gosh i'm so excited for yard work now. that sounds really funny, but when you live somewhere for like 8 years when you cant do anything you want to go it really bad.
but anyways. i will give a update on how everything goes at the start of next week. maybe pictures too. before and after ones. yeah, thats a good idea. anyways. bye byee for now.

Monday, April 9, 2007


.....So the eye doctors was kindof a bust. he said that the reason that my eyes get so weird when i am on the computer at work is just because i'm on it for so long. and that i need to get some good eye drops. so i did. i guess there helping. but he said that i'm neer sighted(so i cant see far away), and not far sighted. so i dont need glasses for when i read or when i'm on the computer. just for if i start driving. so yeah. it was a waste of $74.00, but oh well, i'll get $50 back, so i dont really care. and my benifits at work kicked in. i like it, you can make a claim on-line and have your money back in 24-48 hours. which is really handy, but only for eye stuff and the dentist, not p.scrips. but of well. i dont have any re-fills left on that anyways, oops! so i better get to the doctors some time soon, either that or start buying baby stuff. hahaha. just joking. i'll go to the doctors sometime this week and get that fixed. but anyways.

the wedding was nice(chris'), a little bit boaring, but it was still nice. i want ours to be nice like how theirs was, but with a bar. haha, we need that bar. i'm sure it would be different if kyle's family was mormon and my dads side was too, but there not. we like to drink. so we gotta give the people what they want. haha, and what i want. haha. there so young, Chris and his new wife, Charity. he's only 19, and shes 18. but they made a cute couple just the same.
but anyways. i better get back to work. bye byee for now.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

wedding / job issues

So a little bit ago kyle and i decided that we were going to get married this year. and i was really excited. but now he wants to wait till next year because now he wants to have a cermony. which i'm fine with, i just wish he would have told me sooner, so i wouldn't have gotten so excited about it and hadent started planning things. but thats fine. its not like we'er going anywhere. so yeah. i was a little mad also that he didn't tell his parents that we had chosen to do it this year, but i think that he did that because he didn't want to do it this year. so whatever.
any who..............
its the long weeekend, i have 6 working hours left in my day. and then i get to go to the eye doctor. my benifits finally kicked in, so now i can go to the eye doctor, and the dentist(i dont think i will though), and i can get my perscriptions. FINALLY! haha. but anyways. kyle has i think 2 or 3 job interviews for today, and he's going to meet me at the mall where my doctors is. he did start a new job on monday, but he cant do it. they thought that he had his drivers licence, but he doesn't, so he cant do what he need to. because you need to have your drivers to drive this special fork-lift. so yeah. it might be a little rough(money wise) for a while, untill he starts working again. and he really does need to, i cant support us on my wage alone. but we are looking. i think i have faxed his resume to like 50 different places, and a bunch of them call, but its all for like $10 - 14/hr and he wont go lower then $15 because thats what we need. so anyways. i better be getting back to work. talk to you all later.


Monday, April 2, 2007


We finally put in our new floors! they look really good. and my whole body hurts! we got just the living room done. we weren't sure if we would have enough to do the hall way too so we're going to wait to see if we can get a few more boxes. and if not my dad thinks that it might work, just as long as there aren't too many bad boards in the boxes. i got alot of slivers, kyle cut his finger pretty deep on a staple that was sticking out, so did my dad.
when we pulled the carpet out friday night it was sick. the people that lived there befor us had a dog, and you can clearly see that they never cleaned up after it. that was the sickest smell ever, and it had gone through the carpet and into the underlay. like to do you know who a cheeta has spots every where, well thats what the underlay looked like in some spots! sick!!!!! and there were so many staples, who needs to use that many! well those dumb people that put it in thats who. but anyways, i'm just so glad that its in and done. next will be the rest of the hall, front entry/stairs(with the tile that my dad gave us on the weekend), and then the kitchen, floor, back splash and all. dad thinks that after we do the front entry and kitchen that i should quit my job and be a tile setter, haha, i dont think so. so anyways. i'll put a picture of how it looks on here so every one can see how awesome it is.


Friday, March 30, 2007

my new treadmill

So a little while ago i decided that i wanted to invest in a treadmill, i had been talking about it for a while but hadn't actually gone out and done anything about it. so last week i decided that i was going to buy one, but to do that i was going to have to get another credit card(BAD!). so i was talking to my mom about it, and how i would have to get a new card. and she didn't like that(she doesn't want me to be in more dept). so she said that she would buy one for me and i would pay her back, which i think was awesome by the way mom! and i love my new treadmill. since i got it on saturday(24th)(and set it up on sunday(25th)) i have but 7k on it already. (Kyle has but on 4k's), he really likes it too. its in our basement, so we can watch t.v when we are on it. and i think htat really helps. because i'll say to my self, 'i'm going to walk/jog on here till my show is done, talking while it was on and joging durring comertials. and its awesome. i'm so excited to start loosing weight and getting into shape. we need to buy a scale, my mom said that some times a scale aren't a good thing, and that you should go by how your cloths fit. and thats a good point, but i do want to see the pounds leave too. and so would my doctor. haha. but anyways. we are thinking about getting gym memberships too, Kyles friend works at the Y downtown and can get us a deal on memberships. so we might go see about that on the weekend, but i'm not sure about it. i would rather stay home and do it, but then again all i have at home is a treadmill, and the Y has a pool and different weight machines. so we'll see how good a deal he can get for us befor we commit to anything. so anyways. bye for now.


Hello all. I think i'm going to like having this blog thing. i had one on my nexopia site, and it was a good form of ranting about life and letting out how i feel about some things. so this'll be good.
i got the idea to do this from my cuz. Kim. she has one and every once and a while i read it to see what she's up too. i could always walk down the street and ask her(she lives like not even a block from me), but i'm lazy. haha, and she sick right now, and i dont want to be.
a bunch of people at my work are sick, and i dont want to catch anything, so i have been avoiding those people. but anyways. i dont really know what else to say right now. so bye for now.

<3: Amanda